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Tous nos services

Afin de gagner du temps, A6DEM, votre société de déménagement vous propose des services sur mesure.

Ainsi, vous pourrez choisir une seule de nos prestations ou les cumuler selon vos projets.

Pour des interventions rapides et sécurisées avec installation de matériels de protection
location camion
Prestations de qualité, réactivité et rigueur sont nos valeurs pour vos déménagements
Particuliers ou professionnels, profitez d'engins performants et sûrs
services manutention
Personnel qualifié à la manutention pour tout type d’intervention
cartons & fournitures
Retrouvez dans notre boutique plusieurs modèles de cartons pour vos déménagements
Box de stockage à votre disposition pour une courte ou longue durée dans nos locaux
notre entreprise

Un partenaire de confiance

L’entreprise de déménagement A6DEM vous accompagne dans vos projets de déménagements et de transferts d’entreprises depuis de nombreuses années. C’est pourquoi, de par notre expérience, nous sommes en mesure de vous conseiller pour optimiser vos démarches.


Avant le déménagement, il est nécessaire de connaître la quantité de biens à déplacer ainsi que les conditions particulières propres à votre environnement (accès, contraintes techniques, etc.). Si vous ne savez pas comment l’estimer, vous pouvez contacter les experts de notre société de déménagement qui pourront alors effectuer un devis gratuit. Si ce premier contact ne suffit pas à estimer votre devis, nous pourrons alors nous rendre sur place afin d’estimer plus précisément vos besoins.
Choisir une date de déménagement à communiquer à l’avance à votre société de déménagement vous permettra d’éviter les périodes les plus demandées et ainsi de diminuer les coûts.


Ensuite, n’oubliez pas de bien protéger vos affaires avec des cartons adaptés, des emballages spécifiques et surtout de les transporter avec des outils adaptés tels que des chariots à roulettes, des diables ou encore des monte-charges pour vos biens les plus lourds ou les plus volumineux.

Pourquoi passer par une société de déménagement ?

Préparer seul son déménagement ou le transfert de son entreprise semble simple au premier abord mais ce n’est pas toujours le cas. En effet, il faut penser à de nombreuses choses telles que le choix des dates, la durée de location du camion et sa superficie, la protection des meubles et objets fragiles, trouver les cartons et contenants adaptés, trouver de quoi déplacer ou soulever les meubles jusqu’à votre habitation ou encore trouver où stocker vos biens entre le déménagement et l’emménagement.


Passer par une entreprise de déménagement vous permet alors de vous simplifier la vie ! En effet, vous n’avez plus à tout gérer. Finies les mauvaises surprises, les meubles abîmés ou les surcoûts non prévus. Désormais, vous pourrez déménager l’esprit tranquille grâce à A6DEM, votre société de déménagement pas cher et professionnelle.


De plus, confier toutes les prestations de votre déménagement à une seule et même société vous permettra de faire des économies puisque tout sera inclus dans le pack choisi ; mais également de gagner du temps puisque nous coordonnons pour vous chaque étape de votre déménagement.

Contactez dès maintenant votre entreprise de déménagement pas cher à Bordeaux.

Ils nous recommandent
Déménagement Taquet & Fils
Basé sur 148 avis
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Alice Dauphin
Alice Dauphin
09:06 11 Apr 24
I wholeheartedly recommend this moving company. Excellent communication and availability from Mr Taquet, his team is... professional, efficient and very friendly. Everything is there to ensure a stress-free and happy move. A big thank you to the whole team !plus
Elodie Carmignani
Elodie Carmignani
05:33 12 Sep 23
I called on the company for my move between Paris and Bordeaux, I was contacted very quickly by telephone. They are... very professional, accommodating, friendly. A stress-free move.plus
Morgane Jacquet
Morgane Jacquet
17:30 28 Mar 23
My best moving experience, by far. Excellent communication from start to finish, sympathy, discretion, professional... attitude, remarkable efficiency, top-notch organization. Experiencing a move with peace of mind, in a good mood and without the slightest damage to your business is quite rare. I was late in posting a review but I absolutely wanted to do so. I hope you will take care of my next move.plus
Jordane Chevauchee
Jordane Chevauchee
14:31 27 Mar 23
Very serious company and at a good price. We called on them to clean up part of our offices. Everything was done on... time. I highly recommend, plus they are very friendly.plus
07:47 21 Feb 23
A family business of remarkable professionalismA responsive leader who does everything to satisfy the customer,... especially for a reduced scheduleThe team is very organized, friendly and well behavedThey are methodical and applied nothing is done in a rush as I have already experiencedI am delighted with the service I paid for and recommend it to you.plus
Jeremy Roussarie
Jeremy Roussarie
10:08 26 Jan 23
A top-notch team. A family business as we like them.Hardworking, careful and incredibly kind.I gave a general tip... pocketed by the manager's son. I hope it was redistributed to the rest of the team, as I requested.Thank you very much, I recommendplus
17:01 20 Jan 23
A big thank you to Messrs. Taquet and their employees who allowed a stress-free move in June 2022, with understanding,... good ideas for the installation, speed, patience and kindness. I am 100% satisfied!plus
15:22 20 Jan 23
Extremely friendly and accommodating. Price in the average, but it is better to go through real pros like them than... through amateur movers.plus
emilie darcheville
emilie darcheville
19:33 01 Dec 22
Many thanks to Messrs. Taquet and their team for their professionalismI was able to experience a serene move… for the f... irst time!!Thanks againI recommend !plus
Cynthia Espinosa
Cynthia Espinosa
18:03 23 Nov 22
Thank you again for the professionalism and competence of your team, we are delighted and will not hesitate to... recommend your services!plus
Natacha Derez
Natacha Derez
16:56 10 Nov 22
Professional support from start to finish, respecting commitments despite unforeseen circumstances that may arise. So... good responsiveness and adaptability. The team takes good care of the equipment and is very helpful.plus
jean-marie BRODUT
jean-marie BRODUT
13:15 14 Oct 22
Careful when changing and precise on appointments. Arrangement possible on points of detail.Good quality communication... and speed in service, quotes, etc.plus
Victoria Lublin
Victoria Lublin
19:10 29 Sep 22
Very satisfied with the service offered. The team is very efficient, friendly and reliable. I recommend!
Jean-Charles Donnay
Jean-Charles Donnay
08:10 22 Aug 22
Professional, caring and efficient company. Quick but controlled move. I highly recommend this family business.
Jean-claude Yvonnet
Jean-claude Yvonnet
08:23 16 Aug 22
Excellent workVery good teamNo breakageTo recommend
laure franco
laure franco
16:19 08 Aug 22
Very professional, friendly and considerate, fast and carefulA quick move and zero breakage. Very satisfied
Julie L.
Julie L.
06:51 19 Jul 22
Quality service, smiling and pleasant movers, thank you for this quality service.
Elizabeth D'Hinnin
Elizabeth D'Hinnin
10:31 09 Jul 22
Very good move thanks to Mr. Taquet and his team: they are punctual, efficient, meticulous, attentive and friendly! I... can only recommend them: a real team of professionals!plus
Antoine LEURET
Antoine LEURET
10:36 08 Jul 22
Our move took place a few days ago, the Taquet movers handled it perfectly.The move was done quickly, well, in a good... mood both for the boss and for the guys who all seemed to get along well.Professional work, punctual, at a more than fair price... What more can I say? I highly recommend, thank you Mr. Taquet and the whole team!plus
Francois Berton
Francois Berton
12:24 03 Jul 22
Hello, a company that I recommend very professional and responsiveThanks to her
pierre dupain
pierre dupain
10:43 09 Jun 22
Accuracy, smile, unfailing professionalism. A big thank you and congratulations to the whole team.
anne eloy
anne eloy
14:03 16 May 22
very professional movers, with a jovial mood, precise and very organized gestures
beatrice le calvez
beatrice le calvez
13:00 06 May 22
Very good team, efficient, fast and very friendly, helpful. No problems, everything went very well. I highly recommend... for a moveplus
15:37 29 Mar 22
I was very happy with the company's service for my move at the end of March: professionalism and friendliness of the... staff, efficiency in the services, concern to do the right thing and help the customer as much as possible. In addition, a very good sense of contact and people. thanks againplus
Gilbert Camilleri
Gilbert Camilleri
13:52 22 Mar 22
Efficient and professional moving team careful and personalized service, full of good intentions, friendly and... attentive staff. I recommend without reservation. Satisfaction guaranteed.plus
David Z.
David Z.
10:47 10 Mar 22
Extremely professional, discreet, pleasant. A great team that does the job extremely well and takes care of the items... when moving.plus
Pascaline Mayet
Pascaline Mayet
17:16 24 Feb 22
Very good service, a very professional team. The work is hard and tiring, but everyone amazed us with their smiles and... their kindness. Hat !plus
S. Nani
S. Nani
08:43 21 Jan 22
Very professional team, attentive, value for money at the top, if you want to trust a professional we highly recommend... them.Thanks again.plus
18:34 11 Jan 22
Good professionals with impeccable communication. I highly recommend this company. The movers were serious and fast.
19:49 30 Dec 21
The whole team was absolutely perfect: professional, punctual, fun !! A huge thank you to everyone for your precious... help. I recommend 100% !!!!plus
margaux baudry
margaux baudry
15:23 28 Dec 21
Our move went very well.Very serious, responsive, attentive and careful team.A big thank-you!
Yves Deris
Yves Deris
16:27 01 Dec 21
Remarquable équipe , très serviable et grande gentillesse ! travail parfait
Elena Liquet
Elena Liquet
18:56 10 Nov 21
The team of movers was very professional and respectful, it also showed a lot of flexibility and adaptability, thus... facilitating our installation in our new premises.plus
Gino Fattore
Gino Fattore
10:47 30 Oct 21
A very efficient and serious team in their work. They know how to listen with great sympathy.
Caroline Gy
Caroline Gy
19:24 27 Oct 21
L'équipe de déménageurs a effectué un excellent travail, dans des circonstances très compliquées. Amabilité,et gentil... lesse ont été également très appréciées !plus
Maite Chancelier
Maite Chancelier
16:57 05 Oct 21
A big thank you to this team of real professionals who I called on for the 3rd time. I really appreciated their... efficiency, their attention and their great kindness. I sincerely recommend.plus
Thomas Veauclin
Thomas Veauclin
16:03 05 Oct 21
Our move went perfectly. Professional, everything arrived safely, the movers were super helpful. Simple, clean,... precise. No complaints.plus
05:50 09 Sep 21
A top team!We had three movers, who did an excellent job. Fast and Clean. A big thank you to them for their... professionalism!Mr Taquet, a very professional and very nice gentleman as well.A big thank you to this great company with whom we will not hesitate for a single second to contact if necessary.plus
14:11 17 Aug 21
I made 4 moves with the company Taquet father and son, each time everything went very well.Mr. Taquet father and his... son know very well what they do they are very professional, very nice and attentive to customers.Special mention also to their team of movers !!Continue like thisTOP!!I highly recommendplus
Thierry Croquet
Thierry Croquet
13:52 17 Aug 21
I had to move quickly, Mr. Taquet was able to put in place a quick and efficient action.Thank you to his entire team... (and to him) for their efficiency.plus
Marceline Le Gaufey Dano
Marceline Le Gaufey Dano
09:23 02 Aug 21
Apres plus de 9 demenagements en 8 ans, nous pouvons affirmer que Taquet et Fils sont de loin les meilleurs demenageurs... avec qui nous avons travaille. Professionnels, ponctuels, charmants, à l'écoute. Nous avons passe une excellente journée en leur compagnie, ce qui est rare à dire lorsqu'il s'agit d'un déménagement. Une équipe en or!!!plus
Yves Mainguy
Yves Mainguy
16:39 20 Jul 21
TAQUET et Fils is a serious, efficient and responsive family business. This company has professional teams who listen... to the customer, very attentive to the protection of furniture, appliances and boxes to be moved. After 2 close moves without any problem, it is with confidence that I will take over the company TAQUET et Fils for a future move. Congratulations to Mr. TAQUET and his teams.Mr. MAINGUY Yvesplus
11:17 20 Jul 21
Serious company with very good customer orientation. They are pros, on time, work together, are careful and very... friendly, good team player and you can feel it. I recommend !!! Thank youplus
19:51 19 Jul 21
En juin 2021, déménagement Bdx Royan. Un prix convenable. Ils ont accepté le jour demandé. Arrivés à l heure, le charg... ement a été fait avec précautions. La livraison au 3ème etage s est faite avec monte meubles et dépose dans les pièces ne notre choix, sans problème. Beaucoup de gentillesse et de politesse. Cela confirme notre choix d une entreprise familiale pour un travail parfait. Bravo continuez comme ça.plus
Freddy Macedo
Freddy Macedo
13:12 19 Jul 21
Bonjour, j’ai utilisé les services de Déménagement Taquet et Fils récemment et je les recommande fortementEfficace, soign... eux rapide. Équipe au top !plus
Koller Charles
Koller Charles
12:50 19 Jul 21
Family business of rare efficiency.The team is professional, attentive to detail and takes the greatest care during... its intervention.I definitely recommend!plus
Etienne PEYROU
Etienne PEYROU
17:36 14 Jun 21
Clean service and qualified men!A team of well-knit, friendly and skilled employees (things are progressing quickly... and well).I can only recommend ...Well done and thank you!plus
Jennifer Guivarch
Jennifer Guivarch
16:16 14 Jun 21
Second move with the Mr taquet team! Everything was perfect like the first time! Great team! Neat organized fast and... friendly! Thank you very much for your professionalism and your good humor!plus
Micky Willis
Micky Willis
17:18 17 May 21
Au top ! Commande passée vers 11h00 pour retrait en magasin, je me suis fait appeler à 14h15 pour me proposer de me l... ivrer gratuitement car étant sur une de leurs tournées cela ne les dérangeait pas. Bonne communication, échange professionnel et de qualité, les produits correspondent exactement à ce que j'avais commandé. Bref, allez-y les yeux fermés!plus
Chrystel Dupouy
Chrystel Dupouy
10:28 16 May 21
Very attentive, they were perfect for the move of my grandparents.
JF Laluque
JF Laluque
20:19 11 May 21
Second move and even more with the emptying of a professional cellar with the Taquet family "and their boys".... Everything perfect, punctuality, professionalism, attention to small and large objects, all in a good mood .... I warmly recommend these gentlemen!plus
Myriam Fougerolle
Myriam Fougerolle
18:08 10 May 21
Excellent company, efficient and above all very kind, thank you to all of you. I would recommend you with great pleasure
tetart pauline
tetart pauline
15:54 10 May 21
We called on this company at the end of March for a Paris-Bordeaux move.The team is very professional, very... experienced and friendly. The furniture has been packed with care. Reasonable price. We recommend.plus
Jean-Claude Montaye
Jean-Claude Montaye
15:41 10 May 21
Entreprise de déménagement, sachant allier un grand professionnalisme et sens du contact humain. La gentillesse du p... ersonnel est un atout pendant une journée intense et toujours un peu redoutée.Rapidité, précision, souci du travail bien fait et de la satisfaction du client m'ont confirmé que j’avais choisi , pour notre 23 ou 24 eme déménagement, une excellente et bien sympathique entreprise.Je la recommande avec grand plaisir.Jc Montayeplus
14:25 30 Mar 21
Perfect service, a real professional, efficient, available family business. Customer satisfaction is really their... priority. I recommend this moving company at very competitive rates.plus
15:18 09 Feb 21
This is the second time that we have moved with the help of the Taquet et fils company. We are still very satisfied. We... particularly thank them this time for being flexible on the dates which kept changing between our move and fitting out. They were able to adapt so that we were not bothered, particularly when it came to storing our belongings. The moving team was very professional and pleasant, we would not hesitate to recommend them!plus
Jean Marie LEBEC
Jean Marie LEBEC
09:14 24 Sep 20
Performance from all points of view, perfect.Beyond the process, the method and the tools ... people always make the... difference. Pascal Taquet, his son and Thomas know that moving is an important and "traumatic" act. They listened to us, very open to discussion, very responsive and always present at all times during the service on this big and complex move. We had concerns about the scope and complexity of the subject. They were reassuring and perfect from start to finish. That's a good craftsman, a great family business. A big thank-you.Jean Marie LEBECplus
Agnes Paillard-Plagneux
Agnes Paillard-Plagneux
16:24 21 Sep 20
The Taquet moving team gave me complete satisfaction. They were practically the only ones to answer me at the time of... the confinement and the move could take place just after in good conditions.They had anticipated well. The movers are experienced and very friendly. Mr. Taquet is reliable, responsive and available.I recommend.plus
Julien Loubeau
Julien Loubeau
05:06 05 Sep 20
Great mover and it's far from my first ... but certainly one of the best I've worked with. Professional, available and... punctual ... no problem. The next move will still be with them. To recommendplus
James Begué
James Begué
15:28 24 Dec 19
Cuisine made on site, varied. the dining room is not noisy, which makes it possible to chat without problem. A place to... stop when switching to condoms.plus
Avis suivants